SoHa Happenings Tours Lone Tree Arts Center

Along with several other South Metro Denver Chamber members, all ensconced in hard hat, day-glow vest, and protective glasses, I was recently treated to a tour of the quickly evolving Lone Tree Arts Center (Rte I-25 @ Lincoln). Our guides Executive Director Lisa Rigsby Peterson and Marketing & PR Director Chris Wiger ensured that we saw it all; entry hall, box office, 500-seat theater, smaller theater/meeting space/banquet hall, offices, loading dock, green room, stage, piano room, orchestra pit, and other areas comprising the soon-to-be completed 43,000 sq. ft. Lone Tree Arts Center. And yes, we’ll be able to say we stood in the narrow corridor to be occupied by the many lines and equipment designed to move and secure scenery and other stage apparatus. Construction is on target for the scheduled Summer 2001 opening. 

Looking forward to it. It’ll be breath-taking. This is an exciting time for the Lone Tree Arts Center and everyone involved. Be part of it - contribute to the cause by dedicating one of the 500 seats in honor of a loved one and become a Charter Member. There are only 500 seats, and Charter Membership ends soon. 
Questions? Contact Kirstin Bomgardner @ 720.880.2499 or

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