Improv for Fun and Awareness Oct 1 - Nov 19

Pam Roth O'Mara
Comedy? Drama? Dramedy!
Or, Comma. You decide! 
Yes, September is this Monday…. which means it’s time for improv. YaY!!Improv. This fall I’m back at ACC/Community Ed teaching an 8-week class focusing on having fun while developing characters and scenes. Great for authors, artists, performers, musicians, and anyone else…

Improv for Fun and Awareness, led by Pam Roth O’Mara
When: Wed, Oct 1-Nov 19, 6-8 p.m., 8 wks                           
Where: ACC Littleton Campus, Santa Fe Drive Littleton
Course #: ARCR 1165F01-69158                                                              
Cost:  $199

Or call: 303.797.5722 
 Questions only (register through links above):

Improv for Fun and Awareness. Whether you’re an artist, author, musician, manager, engineer, administrator, performer, retiree, student, or all of the above, you will improve your ability to REALLY see what’s around you and respond to whatever life throws at you. Every class starts with warm-up exercises, and gradually helps you become familiar with improvisational acting methods, techniques, and styles. Led by an instructor with many talents - author, artist, performer, and park interpreter, learn how to invent characters and put them into interesting scenes. And, you’ll have fun and meet new people.

 SoHa Happenings in Colorado 
produced by...               written by...
         Pam Roth O'Mara

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