South Suburban Seeks Partners for Arts Outreach

South Suburban’s Culture and Enrichment Division is seeking funding from the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) through the Arapahoe County Cultural Council to provide an "Artist-in Residence" Outreach Program in 2012. Organizations and schools (within the boundaries of both Arapahoe County and South Suburban Parks & Recreation District) interested in participating in the program and partnering with South Suburban’s professional art staff to provide specialty art or performing arts workshops for school, library, senior center, Girl Scout, Boy Scout or other community groups in 2012 are invited to submit a Letter of Intent. Sample projects include classes, performances, or creation of a permanent artwork installed in a facility. Submission of a Letter of Intent does not guarantee an award.
Due Date: Completed Letters of Intent are due 5 pm, Monday, 2/21/2011.
Questions? Contact Vickie Willis, Culture and Enrichment Supervisor - 303-483-7072 -

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