Learning Lines Less Loathsome

"I tell people I do improv because I can't remember lines," joked Pam Roth O'Mara. "I do improv acting because I love improv, but memorization has been a problem since I was a teenager. I looked all over for help, but finally stopped auditioning for traditional, scripted acting roles." Pam was still determined to find help with memorization. Photo © 2014 by Andreea Matei Recently she came across Garrett Ayer's How to Remember blog that mentioned a workshop at the Denver Center Theater Academy, and enrolled. "It helped!" she says, and has been applying the knowledge in her role as a park interpreter at South Platte Park in Littleton, CO. "As a park interpreter there's a lot of information to learn quickly about everything to do with and around the South Platte Park, and about the programs we offer to the public and schools. I now approach learning the materials with more confidence, which makes the delivery even more fun....